Wednesday, December 10, 2008

'tis the season

Nothing like a good old fashion 'ugly christmas sweater' party. Our friends invited us to our first official one, and it was a blast! thanks donna & jared!

I especially loved my cumberbun!! Can't see it but I had an awesome side pony tail. I don't think i've had one of those since back in the banana clip era!! Bobby's nickname for the night was Country Club Ken!

nothing like men in christmas sweaters channeling Zoolander!:)


Jamie Christensen said...

Never heard of a Christmas sweat party but what a GREAT idea. Love it.

Jamie Christensen said...

Not sweat, Sweater.

chelle. said...

you look amazing...even in your denim christmas get up! :)
christmas sweater parties are the best.

TwinkleBee said...

ooo lookin good! I laughed when I saw this tagged on facebook. I'm glad the side pony and cumberbun aren't "for real". You can totally rock it, but some things should never come back in! Looks like a blast. Country club Ken...Go Bobby!

Ty n Casey's Mom said...

What a fun idea. you look like you're straight out of some little hick town in Utah, Kacey Jo. Love it!!