Thursday, April 30, 2009

Surf Session

Today Saylor had her first surf lesson!! She had a blast paddling with her daddy in the lake. Can't wait for the summer!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Sunday Funday

We had a wonderful Easter! Saylor loved every minute of the Easter egg hunts. Nursery did one and she loved the purple bunny bag they gave her. She carried it around the rest of the day like it was her handbag! it was too cute! My sweeties looked so cute in there easter outfits, but they didn't stay clean for very long :) My only camera right now is my iphone so the pictures are a little fuzzy. Hope your Easter was joyous!

mommies precious little ones

seems i'm always behind the camera, so there are few pictures of me and my sweeties.

Saylor especially loved what was inside the eggs

Saylor's "cheese" face

her handbag

Sawyer just smiled and looked cute

Monday, April 6, 2009

modern medicine

I feel like with each year I age, there's an extra wrinkle or two or three...i blame it on those tanning beds that were my best friends before each high school dance! I've never been one to spend a lot of money on makeup or face products (which maybe I should have). My beauty regiment consists of products from your average drug store, and Lubriderm has always been my idea of night cream. So before I hit the BIG 30! i'm going to try and tackle these wrinkles one at a time!
If any of you know of a miracle cream let me know. What works for you??

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

like mother like daughter

Shoe fetish already?! she's going to be expensive!:)