Sunday, March 20, 2011

Some Days

As a mom I can't help but think whatever I do isn't enough, my list never ends, it just repeats itself, and at times (or all the time) you feel pressure to be the best cook, baker, seamstress, organizer, neighbor, business woman, photographer, wife, maid, friend, decorator, sister, artist, crafter, blogger, and so on and so on. Some days I have to remind myself that I'm doing the best job I know how and from the look of it, I'm doing ok.


Blogful said...

You are the BEST! Lowered expectations are the secret to happiness in motherhood I am sure. Thinking of you!

TwinkleBee said...

You know what is Ironic?! I was just telling a friend about 2 days ago about you and how you impressed me as a mom because you strive for a great combo of balance in life. You put your kids first daily- stay at home with them (lots of mommy time) but also stay true to yourself as a person without getting lost in mommyworld- you have your style and amazing taste, decorate, do projects, plan parties, etc. On top of kids and taking care of you- you have date nights with just you and hubby to work on keeping that relationship strong amongst all the travel, and family time you do. Girl.... I so look up to you and was telling my friend I want to be like you someday when I'm a mom :) I think you've found key to success but kids/family, Husband/wife, and Me time is alot to juggle- You're doing great! Hang in there!